Friendship: Friends or Foe

Friendship is a really big part of our life.

We all have friends . It is a complex process and experience , true friendship are hallmarked by each members desire to engage with the other. It's about the mutual interest and about each others thought,as well as sense of belongingness and connection among yourselves. 
    Some friends are good friends and some are best friends or in some cases friends are like just hi or hello means not to close to us but they are OK. We believe in our friend and we want to share everything to them, both happiness and sorrow. We fell relief after sharing our sorrow and sometime they give us the solution of the problem and in this way  friends help each other .
  But it is not compulsory that friends must be good or they are helping you. There are some toxic friends among you who does not like at your success and they just want to use you. You should be able to know about your friends that they are worth it or not, do you feel the happiness when you stay with him or does he feel the same as you, does he help you in our sorrow  days. 
    Having a good friend is really good and friendship is more than hi and hello.  It is a feeling in your heart which you feel everytime you stay with your friend. It also build character and also  break good character . It is one of the most important part of our life and we should not misuse this opportunity and stay good with our friends.


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