Now-a-days drug addiction has become a worldwide problem,of serious concern,especially in teenagers. The life of the addicts becomes spoiled in all aspects,as they loose contacts with their family,spend all their money and time in drugs .They may develop poor social behaviors ,which have affect on both their personal life and the society.They may also face many helth related problems. The The consequences of drug use are vast and varied and affect people of all ages.So, we must try stay away from it.

             Here's a great comeback story of one of my favourite actors who was a drug addict- 

 A GREAT HOLLYWOOD COMEBACK STORY           Robert Downey Jr. is now one of the most rich and highly paid actors.performing leading roles in blockbuster comic book films like Iron Man and many more marvel films. But not so long ago, he was practically unhireable due to his drinking and drug misuse,not to mention the time his addictions landed him in prison. His career seemed to be on an upward trajectory until 1996, when he was  arrested  for possession of heroin and cocaine. He also had substance use disorder and allowed his six year son to try marijuana,a kind of drug.


           Despite his active drug and alcohol addiction, Downey Jr. made a name for himself as a young actor in the mid to late 80's

           Downey’s wife Susan Downey told in Harper’s Bazaar(an amerinan women's fashion magazine) that he quit drugs for good in 2003. After she asked him to leave drugs. And threatened him to  break her relations with him.

          From then, Downey started working steadily, appearing in films such as  Gothika   ,   A   Scanner    Darkly Zodiac and Kiss , sherlock homes,dolittle ,iron man 1,2,3, many more marvel and other movies.


Big Breaks