After experiencing 15 long years of my life and observing the society I am finally able to get an idea about what is personality. Though as a school student I do not have much experience about personality changes, but at least I have enough to share my views as how a adolescent fells building his/her character, attitude, self-image etc. This article is completely based on my experience and does not include any information from internet and studies.
        As a growing up we all have one thing in common, the wanting to be the best, to be superior in every aspect, to have a image in the society better than others. This is the time when our mind somehow starts thinking about our future. There are two reasons for this, first biologically the secretion of different hormones in our body and second is the society one is living in. Let’s not bring up biology here. Our second reason is our society. At this stage, our society plays a vital role in building up our personality. We see many boys and even girls doing things that should not be done in this age. Example like Smoking etc.
A  person who should realise the value of his/her life and his importance in the development of the nation is wasting their valuable time doing unnecessary business.
Some say it’s the responsibility  of the teachers but do teachers can understand in behalf of them. It’s obvious that a good teacher will always guide their student for their welfare and help them to be successful in their life reaching their ultimate goal. But they cannot control their minds. Most of the teenagers of today’s generation have the feeling of likeness with another of opposite gender. This cannot be completely taken as a barrier for success in my point of view, because a true soul mate will always help us to do whatever we want to achieve and also help us removing the bad qualities of us. But again there are some celebrity like couples of our age who does things that are unbearable for their age. I hope so you understand whatever I tried to convey. We should be aware of what we are doing. We should not study for marks and percentage. We should dedicate our studies to achieve knowledge and to educate others. Thus behaving properly, having a good character, a perfect self-image and better ideology paves our way for having a good character and ultimately a good personality. I cannot share whole lot of my experience in this article. These are some demerits of the youth of today. Of course there are many merits of today’s teens too. But getting knowledge of what are bad and excluding it from our personality will help us building a good character of ours. There are many more to learn. This is just like a leaf from the tree of personality development tree if we consider like that.
With this I wish all of you a happy and prosperous life, hoping a good personality and all success of yours.


Big Breaks